Moments of Joy: Here, There, Everywhere!
Where did they go; those moments of joy we used to experience? When our first child was born and as he grew into a toddler, I saw life through his eyes. He would see a flower, stop to smell it, and tell me how wonderful it was. When we took walks, he would see a worm, a butterfly, or a bird and ask questions, causing me to pause and truly appreciate the wonder of what it was.
Our second son brought more opportunities for discovery and joy, as did our third and fourth child. Yet, with each successive child there were more dishes, more diapers, more messes to clean up, homework, and eventually I found myself wondering if I would ever have time to just “be still.” Life became a roller coaster of doing what needed to be done and those moments of finding unexpected childhood joy seemed to vanish. Where did they go? Flowers still bloomed. Worms, butterflies, and birds didn’t disappear. There were times I felt guilty filling my time with “mom” tasks and not being present with my children, at not laughing as much with them, and not sitting with them building with Legos, or even finding out how their day at school went because we were off to a game or dance practice. How, I wondered, as a busy mom could I rediscover those moments of joy amid the busyness of my days?
Over the passing years, I discovered I was not alone! Maybe you can identify with me now. Maybe the piles of clothes on the couch to be folded, the meals to be prepared, the plethora of toys (or clothes) scattered here and there, or the homework to be monitored, not to mention trips to sports or dance practices, have you wanting to find more moments of joy with your children, and more joy in life itself. Admit it, there are days when being a mom is hard!
Here’s the good news! Even amid all we must do, shifting our focus, looking at all we do through the lens of God’s Spirit of joy living in us can bring life transforming joy. I like to think of it as seeing as Jesus sees! “When the Holy Spirit controls our lives, He will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control…” Galatians 5:22-23 (NLV). As Christian moms we know true joy is a fruit of the Spirit. Ask God to help you refocus, not on what needs to be accomplished but on His joy amid your day.
Ask God to help you refocus, not on what needs to be accomplished but on His joy amid your day.
When we seek God’s joy, we intermingle it with our thankfulness for whatever we have or must do (whether easy or hard) and that can change our entire day. Amid the toil of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, Ezra told the Israelites to share in the goodness of life when he wrote, “The joy of the Lord is your strength” Nehemiah 8:10 (NLV). Mother Teresa wrote, “Joy is prayer. Joy is strength. Joy is love…You give the most when you give joy.”1 As I now have grandchildren and great grandchildren who need to know the joy of God’s love, even when days seem extremely harried, I try to focus on God’s Spirit in me. As I pray for joy, which we know God desires us to have (John 15:11), I find strength to do what I need to do. The strength that comes, helps you and I to walk more in thankfulness and love, which guides our thoughts to cherish each moment, which brings more joy!
So, let’s look at a few possible ways to shift our focus from the ordinary day to a day with moments of joy.
- While waking up your child, give a small back scratch, or kiss on the forehead along with an “I love you.” As you walk out of the room, thank God for the wonderful creation of your child. There is such joy to be found in just thinking this! If your child isn’t into this, I used to sing a short, crazy song and end it with, “I’m glad you were born!”
- At breakfast, remember to say grace with your child and include how special he or she is in your eyes and in God’s.
- If your child is a toddler, make some purposeful moments to engage in their play. Your presence brings them happiness. Their happiness is a reason for your joy.
- Go outside with your child. Go for a walk. Let your child discover things along the way. See the world, if only for a few moments, through their eyes. Find joy in their discovery! (Keep the cell phone in your pocket unless you are taking a picture!).
- If you are folding clothes, think of the fun your child has as he plays in his jeans or team shirt, or the scent of freshly shampooed hair as you fold a towel. Send an arrow prayer of thanksgiving to God (“God, thank you for this pile of clothes that hold so many moments of joy when used).”
- If you are eating dinner or helping with homework, engage your child in a conversation about school. What was the best moment? What was the most difficult? Thank God for the opportunities your child has. Celebrate the joy in his day.
- Sometimes bedtime can be difficult. Get into a rhythm so your child knows exactly what to expect. You need your own quiet time, time to unwind. This is more easily accomplished when bedtimes are firm. End the day with your child by reading. Children’s Bible stories contain adventure and truths to guide your child. Be sure to take time to pray with them (no matter their age) and ask them to thank God for the day, loved ones, etc. Hearing your child pray is truly a joyous moment!
- Go to bed, think about where you found moments of joy and be thankful. Remember, none of us are perfect. As moms we often feel guilty. Guilt kills joy. Do your best and give the rest to God. Tomorrow the flowers will bloom. The worms, butterflies, and birds will bring joy to those who take moments to see them as wonderful creations. So much more joy awaits as we follow the words of the Psalmist, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us be full of joy and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 (NLV)
1. Teresa, Mother. My Life for the Poor. 1985. 1st edition. HarperCollins
Author Info
Janet Johnson
Janet K Johnson is an award-winning author, speaker, pastor, and mentor in spiritual formation. Formational in Janet’s growing deeper in love with God, was her journey in grief. Janet found God’s unending love permeating each situation bringing healing, inner peace, and joy into each day. Her life passage of scripture is from Nehemiah 6:8, “The joy of the Lord is my strength.”