Recently, a young woman that I disciple called me asking for advice. Her best friend was starting to embark on a relationship with a coworker who was not a believer. The young woman was asking me how to act toward her, how to approach her with love, how to remind her that her relationship with Jesus was more important… and after she told me all the details my first words were an apology.
While there’s no playbook for life, there is a Partner.
“I’m sorry friend, but there’s not a playbook for this exact situation. I know that it would be easier if there was.”
Another young woman came to me a few months prior for advice about a boy she was dating, but there was a lot of confusion. And again, I was empathetic. There’s not a playbook.
There’s no appendix in the Word of God, no additional chapters for how to date, how to have friends, how to parent, how to… you name it. There’s no “Christian life for dummies,” as much as I need it sometimes.
After my empathy, in both scenarios, my next piece of advice and truth I spoke over them was “trust the Holy Spirit in you.”
While there’s no playbook for life, there is a Partner.
Jesus promised that we would have a Companion.
“But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. John 16:13
When the Holy Spirit comes, He will guide you into all the Truth. ALL the truth. The Holy Spirit IS our playbook. The Holy Spirit is our Advocate from the very moment we believe in Jesus.
Ephesians 1:13 says, “ And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit.”
Whether that was last week or 40 years ago, we have and always have had the Holy Spirit. And He’s inviting us to listen to Him and to trust Him to be our guide to the Truth.
So how do we follow the direction of the Holy Spirit? How do we listen to His voice?
- Spend time with Him. Sheep know their shepherd’s voice (John 10:27). Shepherds were with their sheep, morning and evening, waking and sleeping. So spend time with Jesus. Spend time in His Word. Spend time in the Gospels, getting to know the person of Jesus, and learning to trust the Holy Spirit.
- Be quiet and listen. Allow some of your prayer time to be silent. Waiting and listening. Open your heart and hands to Him and wait, even if it feels uncomfortable at first.
- Know and remember what He says about you. Meditate on His promises and truth so that they become second nature, like the freckle on the back of your hand or a birthmark that you wouldn’t know your body without, seek the same for His truth and promises.
- Be obedient. Trust the “nudges” of the Holy Spirit. And if you are questioning if it’s Him – ask yourself – is this Biblical? Is there precedence for what I feel the Holy Spirit is leading me to do? Does it match the character of Jesus?
- Ask Him for help. “Holy Spirit, help” is a full sentence, a complete prayer. Rely on Him and let Him help you.
Steal this prayer:
Holy Spirit, help. Show me the way, remind me of the truth. Keep my feet on solid ground and light the path for my way. Teach me to hear You, to feel You, and to notice Your work in my life. Guide me in all truth when it feels like the playbook is missing.
Author Info
Tory Vore
Tory Vore is a writer, communicator, and small group leader with a passion for discipleship and the local church. She writes about motherhood, womanhood, and friendship, with God and others. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband James and two children. You can read more of her occasional writing at