Last words have power. They often carry deep meaning and significance, bringing hope and peace to those who may be grieving.
And if, like me, any of you have ever been at the side of a precious friend or family member who was whispering final words in their last moments here on earth, you know the incredible heart connection they hold for you personally. We often find ourselves clinging to those words as we think about a loved one who has passed away. We treasure what they said, and we remember.
There’s no doubt that Jesus knew what His last words needed to be here in this life. He knew the power those final words would have for generations still to come. And He had great purpose in them, which still breathes such life and meaning for our lives today.
The Bible says in John 19:30, “When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” (NIV)
He spoke it out loud. He declared it for all to hear, for the whole world to know, and for every evil force to have to flee. Christ’s work on the cross was complete.
Paid in full.
Jesus became the final and ultimate sacrifice for our sin. The word in this verse, “finished,” is from the Greek word, “tetelestai,” which is the same word that means “paid in full.” Often it was used as an accounting term, which indicates a debt was paid. The uniqueness of the way it was written is that the tense of the word indicates both a point in time, it was complete, and that it would also continue to be complete or finished. And this is the essence of what Christ came to do. He came to “finish” God’s work of salvation in us, He came to “pay it in full,” the entire penalty, or debt, for our sins.
There was no other way for the door to be opened for us to have relationship with God, but by the forgiveness of our own sin, through Christ’s payment on our behalf.
There was no other way for the door to be opened for us to have relationship with God, but by the forgiveness of our own sin, through Christ’s payment on our behalf.
What Do Jesus’ Last Words Mean for Us Still Today?
- They mean that Christ has overcome. He has won the victory, and through Him, we too are more than conquerors.
- They mean we’ve been set free.
- They mean He paid the price on our behalf.
- They mean there’s nothing we could ever do outside our relationship with Christ to earn God’s favor or love.
- They mean He offers us a free gift.
- They mean the way is cleared.
- They mean we do not have to live under the weight of condemnation, guilt, or shame.
- They mean there’s forgiveness through Jesus.
- They mean we have purpose, hope, and eternal life through Him.
- They mean we are loved more deeply than we could ever imagine.
If you find yourself in a hard place today, take courage my friends. Only in Christ is true peace to be found. He reminded us in His word that in this life we would have troubles, but we can find courage, because He has overcome the world (John 16:33, NIV).
In spite of the struggles we may face in this life, we never walk alone, for He is with us. He will never abandon us in our trials or leave us to work it all out on our own.
Jesus never called us to embrace the world and all it offers. He calls us to take up our own cross, and to follow Him, to be salt and light, and to walk in love.
It’s a whole new day ahead. And He has plans for each of us to make a difference in this world for His great purposes.
I’m Praying that His huge grace, power, and strength cover us today. And that in Him, we will find freedom from worry and stress, from the pressing needs of tomorrow, and the battles we may face today, so we can fully embrace His gift of forgiveness and love.
For Jesus is the Overcomer, and through Him, we’re set free.
Author Info
Debbie McDaniel
Debbie McDaniel is a writer/educator/RN who lives in Cypress, TX with her husband, 3 teens, and 4 pets. She loves traveling with her crew – a great cup of coffee with a sunrise view on the beach or mountains is her fav!
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