For over a decade, our family/non-profit has been throwing a party for the homeless on Good Friday. I remember the first time we went downtown to the Trinity Center in Austin. The head of the organization made a comment to me that I have never forgotten. She said that we amazed her because everyone shows up at Christmas, but no one shows up at Easter. Those words prompted some introspection for me. How could we continue to bring the beauty of the gospel and the hope of the resurrection to those around us at the crucial season in our redemption story?
As we enter into different places and people groups, we ask God to show us how to love them best. In the case of our friends on the streets, we wanted to lavish them with things that they may not have received in childhood. We wanted to give them something besides trauma to define their holidays. That led us to wield joy as a weapon. It cuts through darkness and gives hope in barren spaces. In the concrete landscape, we put together an Easter egg hunt for adults. We set up a boutique shopping experience full of things that they might not normally have access to. We shared a meal. I want to encourage you to spread the hope of the resurrection right where you are with simple acts of kindness.
We start right where we are. Begin in your own prayer closets, your own kitchens, your family table. As you plan and prepare the feast meal for the people who will fill your space, ask God to show you how you can bless them. Pray hope over them. Pray for those you invite. Ask God to bless them with a nourishment far beyond the food they will receive. If you are not going to be at home, pray for those that have invited you. Even if you don’t go anywhere or see anyone, you can be a prayer missionary right where you are.
This is your year to show up, to remember, to cultivate meaning. God is calling you to curate a hospitality of spirit that will invite people into the healing power of God’s redeeming love. Take a moment to ask God to tell you what He wants you to know about how to show up this Easter. Ask to create belonging. This is a sacred time for us as Christians, where more people are open to attending church and gracing our tables. This is your opportunity to give those in darkness an experiential knowledge of the love of God.
Beyond your family and church , ask God to show you how you can share the love of Christ with others. There are so many opportunities to give. All of the Christmas donations at shelters, nursing homes, food banks, and a host of other ministries are depleting. Fill them up. Fill up your local Little Free Library with books on hope, Bibles, or cards. Throw in bubbles and chalk to spark joy. Volunteer wherever there is a need. May divine appointments dot your way. Remember, the world is desperate for hope. Be willing to be uncomfortable and awkward in order to share the redemption that you have been given. What can you do right where you are? Ask God to show you how to love your neighbor. What is it that the people around you need? Who can you forgive right now as you remember the forgiveness you have received? Is this your time to reconcile?
There is a gorgeous quote from Elizabeth Elliot where she shares, “Of one thing I am perfectly sure: God’s story never ends in ashes.”¹ May you find rest in this…”whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” 2 Corinthians 9:6 (CSV)
In every opportunity, sow Christ.
Elisabeth Elliot, These Strange Ashes (HarperCollins, January 1, 1985).
Author Info
Steph Cherry
Steph Cherry is the CEO of The Boho Table, a non-profit providing care for the homeless. She and her husband Denbigh are restoring a three-story mansion outside of Austin, TX to use as a retreat for the weary. Her favorite job is raising her three girls and adventuring with her family.