KHCB is excited to launch the Upliftd Stream, and we want you to be one of our featured speakers and programmers!
For the past 60 years KHCB (Keeping Him Close By, 105.7 in Houston) has been committed to sharing the Gospel on radio through biblically-grounded teaching and music.
Recently, our Board of Trustees felt the need to establish and develop a digital ministry that represents and extends KHCB’s current ministry. As such, plans were made to establish a new website as well as a new app, which we are currently in the final stages of producing for both. In addition, we felt the need and desire to create an additional platform within KHCB that includes types of content that will target and reach a younger audience, specifically those aged between 25-54. After much prayer and consideration, we are excited to call this addition to KHCB, “Upliftd.”
How does one live a life that uplifts the Lord? How does one uplift others through their life? Through biblically-based, dynamic, and relevant content that leads people to Jesus. Launched this summer (2022), the core of the first stage of Upliftd is the Upliftd Stream as well as articles and videos that fall within the target categories of Upliftd Living, Upliftd Moms, Upliftd Marriages, and Upliftd Minds. These are created specifically for Upliftd by our creative partners who are already hard at work building a library of insightful and uplifting content for the platform.
The Upliftd Stream is an audio stream that constitutes a ‘type’ of what is currently airing on KHCB radio. This will include programs, weekend messages from selected churches, current mainstream Christian music, and even select podcasts. We are currently seeking ministry partners to have their audio content broadcast on the Upliftd Stream. We will start off with 8 hour blocks of content (music and messages) and air them 3 times within a 24 hour window while working towards unique 24/7 programming.
KHCB is a non-comm ministry which means we are completely listener sponsored. Thus, there is no cost to you at all to agree to and stay on our stream. We will never ask you or your ministry for money or donations in any way.
Your content! What we need from your tech/comm/audio team is a commitment to submit your audio weekly by dropboxing an mp3 or .wav file to us as soon as your in-house team completes edits - or - grant access to a location that hosts the links to your content. For pastors with weekend messages, it helps if they are in the ballpark of 26 minutes in length so we can program ‘on the half-hour’. However, we would love to use you and/or the weekend speakers regardless if this is the case.
There is a significant opportunity to elevate the profile of your church or program through a partnership with KHCB and Upliftd.
- Marketing that costs you nothing. KHCB has been given a significant marketing budget to promote both the stream as well as individuals, churches, and programs on the Stream - both locally and nationally.
- Increased reach for your ministry. We will market and promote the Stream on KHCB radio which has a large audience amongst our 40+ stations and signals around Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Florida.
- Free promotional spots for your ministry. Ministries can record a 30 or 60 second ministry ‘spot’ to air before and/or after your audio ends where you can introduce the speaker/message, talk about upcoming ministries and events, or discuss ways for people to partner with your ministry.
- Featured Speakers on our homepage. We have a Featured Speakers section that will appear on the homepage of our website that is reserved for our on-air programmers as well as our programmers and speakers that appear on the Stream. This will rotate and include a picture of your pastor/communicator, a brief description of the pastor and church/program, a way to listen to more of your programs/messages through our On Demand feature, and also a link to your preferred website to learn more about and engage with your church/ministry.
- Opportunity to partner with additional content. We would love to be more than a streaming partner! We have opportunities for our speakers to write and contribute for Upliftd as well as provide video content. We love to collaborate and we are positioned to dream together and discuss endeavors that would align with our common missions and purposes.
Potential interviews on KHCB Radio. We would love to record an interview with your speaker/programmer that would air during one of our time-slots on KHCB Radio and all of the other stations and signals that air our daily programming.
If this sounds like something that would interest you or your ministry, we would be glad to set up a meeting to explore what a partnership might look like. Please let me know if you have any questions!
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