The daily benefit of watching for God’s goodness.
On occasion I’m able to walk the beach and catch a sunrise. The beauty and magnificence of God’s artwork can take anyone’s breath away.
I was especially reminded to never take something like this for granted as I observed a young man standing nearby who was visibly moved by what he was seeing. I happened to look up and as I made eye contact, I noticed his tears. A bit embarrassed, he began to apologize and I asked if everything was okay.
“Yes, everything is okay. I’m just so moved by what I’m seeing. The beauty of the sky over the ocean, the power of the waves … it’s just all so cool.”
That led us into a conversation about God and His creative artwork and generosity and how blessed we are. Not sure exactly where this young man’s faith was at, but I’m convinced that God was speaking to him (and me) about His magnificent power and creativity.
It hit me again that as we go about our daily lives, it’s too easy to take for granted so many of the blessings that God has placed into our lives. Why is that?
Perhaps we overlook them because in the hurried rush of our busy lives, we don’t pause long enough to really notice the handiwork of God.
Yet when we do stop to take in the beauty and majesty of what God has created, it leads us to a place of wanting to worship Him and thank Him for who He is. This scripture comes to mind as a declaration of who our Heavenly Father is and what He has and is doing.
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down to us from our God our Father who created all the lights in the Heavens. He never changes like a shifting shadow.” James 1:17
Our God is a powerful Creator who loves to share His majestic works with us! Think of it, the Almighty Sovereign Creator, Sustainer and Ruler of the Universe wants to share His gifts with you!
Knowing that, believing that and receiving that would seemingly make it impossible to take any of it for granted.
And yet, we too easily, and too often, DO take it all for granted.
Understandably taking things for granted can lead to a distorted perspective on what we think we deserve. We can get so used to God’s blessings that we become forgetful, unappreciative and even jaded. Before long, it can turn to ingratitude and even grumbling about the way we think things always ought to be.
So how can we counteract those tendencies? It’s simple enough but takes intentionality:
- Every day thank God for being God and that He made you, loves you and has a purpose for you.
- Every morning, start out by listing at least three things you are thankful for. If possible, do it out loud with your spouse, children, or a co-worker.
- Ask someone you’re spending time with to “bust” you if they hear you start to complain. When they do, immediately shift into a place of gratitude.
- Do an occasional “stop-down” throughout the day and look for the things that you know you are taking for granted. Celebrate them as “gifts” from your Heavenly Father.
- At night, in bed, before falling asleep, review the day and recall the difference it made when you showed appreciation, instead of taking things for granted.
Are you taking beautiful sunrises for granted? Hopefully not. But imagine how different things could be if we treated ALL the other little blessings in life like a sunrise.
“I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds, I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High!” Psalm 9:1-2
Author Info
Todd Isberner
Todd Isberner is a husband, father, business owner and author of “What Every Man Needs to Know”. As a result of his own life-altering conversion, Todd invested over 40 years learning to master the cornerstones of a man’s life: faith, family, fitness and finances. His success is based on discovering the deeper meanings and impact each one of these has in life. A former business owner, professional media consultant and coach, today Todd invests his time mentoring other men along their journey to success. More at
For a more in-depth look at how to create intimacy with God get Todd Isberner’s new book “What Every Man Needs to Know: How to Master Faith, Family, Fitness and Finance” here: