My husband and I teach a preschool Sunday school class of five-year-olds. During our typical circle time on this particular Sunday, we said our Bible verse, I told the Bible story, and we sang a song. As I was about to wrap things up, a boy who hadn’t been in class in several weeks said, “But wait, we didn’t sing our Good Morning song.” He was correct! I had forgotten to begin with the regular opening song. This child’s reminder was less about the regular song and more about the regular rhythms that bring stability, security, and peace to a busy morning. Rhythms and routines matter, especially to children.
Rhythms, routines, and boundaries can get lost with the care-free days of summer. Longer days and summer nights are refreshing but also stressful. We all need stability through everyday schedules and responsibilities. Living life within consistent, healthy habits removes chaos and gives families clear guidelines and expectations.
So how does your family get back to some everyday consistencies while gearing up for the school year? With any new habit for improving life, you begin by truthfully assessing where the need is and then start small. What routine needs adjusting to help your family function well in this new school year? This is a big question! Thankfully, God summarizes the greatest life goal and basic rhythms for family living in just three sentences. “Love God, your God, with your whole heart: love him with all that’s in you, love him with all you’ve got! Write these commandments that I’ve given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you and then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night” Deuteronomy 6:5-9 (MSG).
To keep it simple, (always a key factor when raising children) which of these three basic rhythms needs adjusting to restore some continuity within your family’s life? The rhythms of sleep, responsibilities, and communication. The regular routines of sleep and rest come through consistently establishing morning and bedtime rhythms, while also limiting weekly activities. A clear routine of individual responsibilities and accountability brings daily family order and relieves stress. And the consistent rhythm of healthy communication establishes secure expectations, while accounting for everyone’s needs. Let’s go a bit deeper, and highlight the rhythm that will make this school year a joyful experience for your family.
If your family is overextended and sleep deprived, can you begin by eliminating activities and moving bedtime up by 30 minutes? Try turning off all electronics an hour before bedtime, play instrumental music, and light some candles. These suggestions may be a challenge; however, they may be surprisingly helpful in resetting your family’s rhythms. Blessing your child with “thank you prayers” at bedtime, repeating a family motto as the day begins, and family outdoor playtime as the day is ending, makes for stronger connections and more content sleep. And enough sleep changes everything!
It is probable that your children need to be more responsible. Most children, as young as pre-kindergarten, are capable and need to be responsible for their backpacks, lunches, clothes, schoolwork, and self-care. With consistent routines, their confidence and problem-solving skills will grow. This works best when all items have an orderly place to belong, and parents allow their child to be fully responsible. Boundaries with responsibilities remove confusion, support the family household, and give direction when followed consistently.
Clear, non-emotional communication of family schedule’s, events, needs, and plans keep everyone on the same page. If there is constant confusion and frustration with “not knowing”, try a family whiteboard that includes a weekly calendar, a list for needed food or supplies, meals, and each person’s responsibilities. Also commit to family mealtimes where weekly schedules and needs are expressed. Clear communication lowers surprises, improves trust, and provides time to practice relationship skills.
Focus on one area and make small changes together as a team. Begin now, committing to “new ways” for at least four days and nights consistently. Include everyone, as is age appropriate, and celebrate when “the new way” works! Consistency is key. Stay the course, adjust as needed, and give grace to one another. Then, at the end of September, with the first six weeks of school behind you, celebrate just how far you have come! Celebrate the stability, contentment, and joy coming out of healthy family rhythms.
The goal is not only for your family to be school-ready, but more importantly, to love God with your entire heart. Then, God’s abundant life goals are shared, while talking, sleeping, and walking through the daily, consistent rhythms of life.
Author Info
Nanette Johnson
Nanette Johnson is a Certified Biblical Parenting Coach, a retired Preschool Minister and continues to live out her calling of encouraging parents to truly enjoy every stage of growth during the early years of family life. She is in love with the ever exciting, always active, genuinely innocent, and consistently simple ways young children live life. Nanette is living her best life with her husband in Salado, Texas enjoying their four preschool-aged grandchildren who are most always active!