Do you ever feel like you go into a downward spiral when you’re afraid?
When fear creeps in (sometimes at the most unexpected times) and all of a sudden life feels like more than you can handle?
You know the kind of fear I’m talking about. It’s the kind that can keep us up at night because of situations outside of our control, the friend or family member we can’t change or the solution that feels out of reach.
I often wonder why the enemy chooses fear as a common tactic for believers? Could it be that he knows that fear has the ability to dismantle our faith and trust in the God who sees?
I often wonder why the enemy chooses fear as a common tactic for believers? Could it be that he knows that fear has the ability to dismantle our faith and trust in the God who sees? As my friend Marian Jordan Ellis (This Redeemed Life) puts it: “Faith does not deny reality, but it does leave room for a new reality.” If the enemy can detour our minds away from a new reality where Jesus is on the throne, then it seems completely logical that the enemy would use fear to wreak havoc on Christ followers.
I recently shared that my husband went through a long season of unemployment. This time brought stress in our marriage and placed fear into our hearts. With each day and no new developments or new prospects, the enemy kept taunting our minds with fear, doubt and unbelief. Daily I would have to remind myself, “Rebecca, who do you place your hope and trust in?” The answer, “Jesus.”
Many years ago, I heard a sermon illustration that stuck like superglue to my soul. My mind often recounts this story when fear begins to tiptoe or even hardstep its way into my mind. The illustration used by my Bible Study leader was a real-life account of a young boy (Willie) who was kidnapped from his home.
I’ll quickly summarize his story below:
Willie Myrick was playing in his Atlanta neighborhood when he saw money on the ground. Not aware this was a trap, he bent down to pick it up. At the same time somebody grabbed him and threw him into the back of a car.
“He told me he didn’t want to hear a word from me,” Willie said. Thankfully Willie didn’t listen and began singing about Jesus. The kidnapper yelled at him to stop, but he didn’t. Willie kept singing praises to the Lord for three hours until the kidnapper got so agitated that he let him out of the car.
Every time I recall this story, I’m reminded that speaking the name of Jesus brings supernatural power, protection and a perspective shift.
God wants you to experience the same!
speaking the name of Jesus brings supernatural power, protection and a perspective shift.
God wants you to experience the same!
When my husband was interviewing, I would usually be at home with our two toddlers. I always felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit to pray for him in the moment. It not only gave confidence to my husband as he walked into the interview, but it also redirected my faith. In those moments, I would ask my three-year-old if she would want to pray for Daddy. Often our prayer time looked like this:
Jesus loves (Daddy)! This I know,
For the Bible tells me so;
Little ones to Him belong;
(Daddy is) weak, but He is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves Daddy!
Yes, Jesus loves Daddy!
Yes, Jesus loves Daddy!
The Bible tells me so.
The simplicity and truth of these lyrics allowed us to speak the name of Jesus over my husband. It also spoke Jesus’ name into the situation. It resurged my faith that God sees, shifting my perspective and diminishing my fears.
- Did a family member receive a life-altering medical diagnosis? Speak the name of Jesus.
- Did financial hardship fall upon your family? Speak the name of Jesus.
- Did you recently get laid off? Speak the name of Jesus.
- Did a friend betray your trust? Speak the name of Jesus
- Did someone close to you lose a loved one, but you have no idea what to pray for them? Speak the name of Jesus.
“Calling on Jesus can be our first response instead of what we do when nothing else seems to be working. It may look like surrendering our “why” questions and choosing instead to ask, Will You help me see You, Lord? Even in this? He is the One who can illuminate the dark places for us. He alone brings us peace in the midst of our unanswered questions. He is Immanuel, God with us. To whisper His name is to call on the power found only in His presence.”
1 Ellis, Marian Jordan. Stand: Rising Up Against Darkness, Temptation, and Persecution. David C. Cook, 2017.
3 Turkeurst, Lysa. 2024. I Want to Trust You, But I Don’t: : Moving Forward When You’Re Skeptical of Others, Afraid of What God Will Allow, and Doubtful of Your Own Discernment. Nashville, TN: HarperChristian Resources.
Author Info
Rebecca Falkner
A Carolina girl living in the great state of Texas, Rebecca has worked in ministry for the last thirteen years. Rebecca graduated from Winthrop University with a B.S. in Elementary Education. She worked as a kindergarten and special education teacher before moving to Houston to work with This Redeemed Life and Second Baptist Church. When Rebecca isn’t chasing her two toddlers, she loves writing, gardening and trying new recipes with her husband.