In times of life when the battles seem tough or we’ve suffered huge losses, we’re often left feeling confused and all alone. The questions come to our minds, to our hearts…
“Why would God allow this pain?”
“Why do bad things happen when I’m trying so hard to live right?”
“Does God really even care about what I’m walking through?”
Through every turbulent time and right in the midst of fear and deep hurt, His truth is everlasting. It will shine through the darkest of nights and give light to your way ahead. It will breathe peace over you even as you sleep. It will bring hope to your future and fill you with joy that can’t be explained to the world.
Through every turbulent time and right in the midst of fear and deep hurt, His truth is everlasting.
Most every Bible character we have loved and read about from His word also suffered deep hurt. None of us are immune to the difficulties of this life. And we can be assured, God is intimately acquainted with all our ways and every need.
There are 3 Powerful Reminders that God Cares for Us in Our Pain
God carries us through our fears
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7, NIV)
Anytime we believe the lie that we’ve got to do it all on our own, it reveals our lack of trust in God. The things we’re up against in this life can often be way too big to face alone, and we’re never meant to carry it all by ourselves. God reminds us to cast our cares on Him, to literally “throw them” His way. He knows the struggles we’re facing. And He reminds us that He cares and we’re not alone.
Peter, who wrote these words, believed them very deeply in his own life. He penned this letter just before the evil Emperor Nero began persecuting Christians throughout his empire. Hard times were still ahead for many believers, but Peter had learned how to stand strong against the enemy because of the forgiveness and loving care of God in his life. He knew that every fear and anxiety weighing heavily in his heart could be fully given to God – his Defender and Provider. God offers us the same care today. He’s aware of the difficult battles we face and surrounds us in His presence and peace.
God provides for our needs
“Elijah was afraid and ran for his life…He came to a broom bush, sat down under it, and prayed that he might die. ‘ have had enough, Lord,’ he said. ‘Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.’ Then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep. All at once an angel touched him and said, ‘Get up and eat.’ He looked around, and there by his head was some bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then lay down again. The angel of the Lord came back a second time and touched him and said, ‘Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you.’ So he got up and ate and drank. Strengthened by that food, he traveled forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God. There he went into a cave and spent the night.” (1 Kings 19:3-9)
Elijah, such an amazing prophet and man of God, had just faced a huge battle. And though God had shown up strong on his behalf, these verses reveal what many of us can probably identify with. He “was afraid and ran…” Though he had seen God’s power against King Ahab and Jezebel, he still struggled deeply with fear and defeat. These verses reveal God’s deep care even when Elijah ran. He still saw the warrior within. God still had a plan and provided for him in the desert times. He gave him nourishment, water, and safety. He provided rest and peace through his own angel he had sent to help, “for the journey is too much for you…” his word says. God understands when the battles seem too much for us as well. He promises to be close and to provide for our deepest needs. He may even send an angel, or other believers to remind us that we’re not alone. His deep love and care for us will set us back on the path moving forward toward his great purposes.
God will heal the pain we carry
“Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. She said to herself, ‘If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed’ Jesus turned and saw her. ‘Take heart, daughter,’ He said, ‘your faith has healed you.’ And the woman was healed from that moment.” Matthew 9:20-22
God is our Restorer and Healer. No matter how long the battle seems that we’re facing, He promises to eventually heal and set us free.
God is our Restorer and Healer. No matter how long the battle seems that we’re facing, He promises to eventually heal and set us free. This woman had suffered for years. We may find ourselves in similar situations. But, in the very moment she reached out to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment, His power was displayed in her life. That same power is and will always be evident in our lives too, for others to know His power and goodness.
Often our deepest struggles are on the inside where no one sees. Maybe we’ve been wounded or carry hurt from past years. Other times we face illness, disease, or tragedy and wonder why we must walk such a difficult journey. This fallen world will never be our perfect heavenly home, and in whatever we face here, God promises to ultimately restore every broken place in our lives with his grace, healing, and glory. He is faithful even when we can’t see all that He’s doing. And just at the right moment, maybe when we feel like we’ve waited long years for an answer to our prayers, His power and healing will be displayed. Hold on to Jesus through these struggles. He cares for you with an everlasting love.
Prayer for Those Who Are Hurting
Dear God,
We believe that you are with us. You know all that we are experiencing right now – and you care. Thank you, for your promise to never leave us on our own, no matter what we’re up against in this life. We praise you for you are greater than any struggle we face and will carry us through when we feel too weak to keep going.
Thank you Lord, that you care for us, even when it’s hard to see, and we can’t understand what you’re doing. Thank you for your unending love and compassion over us.
We love you and need you every day,
In Jesus’ Name,
Author Info
Debbie McDaniel
Debbie McDaniel is a writer/educator/RN who lives in Cypress, TX with her husband, 3 teens, and 4 pets. She loves traveling with her crew – a great cup of coffee with a sunrise view on the beach or mountains is her fav!
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